Scheduled Productions began with a single conversation. In June 2023, Phoebe, a Birmingham-based director, met Vytautas at his graduate art exhibition in London. This chance meeting sparked an exciting collaboration with Glasgow-based actor, Lisa Vetta. Months of online discussions and the development of a script culminated in the creation of our theatre company. The team is dedicated to producing innovative theatre that transforms physical art forms through experimental and exploratory methods.
Phoebe Benson is a Birmingham-based theatre director and producer with a passion for real-life storytelling. She firmly believes in the power of teamwork and collaboration, values she has embraced as a member of Scheduled Productions. After months of development, Phoebe is excited to showcase the company’s first production at this year's Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
Lisa Vetta is an international actor fluent in English and Russian. Based in Glasgow, she is a 2024 BA Acting graduate from the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. Previous theatre credits include The Wonderful World of Dissocia (dir. Finn den Hertog) and Lear/Othello (dir. Ali de Souza, Nicole Cooper), RCS. Someone Has To Be Counting will be her debut public performance out of drama school.
Vytautas is a multidisciplinary Lithuanian artist currently based in Helsinki, Finland. He graduated from the Glasgow School of Art and is currently pursuing a Masters at Aalto University.
His work is focused on time, rituals and labour.
In Scheduled Productions he explores the performative dimensions of the mundane and domestic.